About Kayla Rowell:

Money, Mindset, Magic, And Manifestation Queen!

As a certified life + business coach, I use a combination of neuroscience, psychology, energetics, mystical tools, and spirituality, to help you create both BIG impact and BIG income from a place of alignment!

I help you reprogram your subconscious mind and rewire your mindset so that you can create a life and business that you're wildly obsessed with!

I've helped hundreds of women by giving them the tools and resources to create a life beyond their wildest imagination!

I guide women to reframe their past, let go of the limiting beliefs holding them back, and step into their power using tried & true methods, strategies, and out-of-the-box approaches.

If you’re tired of spending time you don’t have and wasting your energy without getting any return, you're in the right place!

Together, we go beyond the surface level shit and go deep into what really matters, so that you can unlock your ability to create REAL and LASTING results in both your life and your business!

Modalities That I Use During Our Sessions :

Each session includes energy, mindset, healing, and strategy support! The techniques and tools I use are:

+ Intuitive Card Pulls: Using Oracle + Tarot cards I pull from connection to Source to start our sessions and use the pull as a guide post for what we focus on during our session!

+ EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique is like emotional acupuncture. Using our fingers we tap along the body to stimulate the meridian points! EFT can regulate your nervous system, rewire your brain, and create new neural pathways in the brain.

+ Reiki: Reiki uses the hands to open and clear the energy body. During a session Reiki is used to treat the body, the mind, and the spirt.

+ Breath-work: Breath-work is a deep awareness and control of the breath to change your physical, mental, and emotional state. Breath-work is a form of emotional regulation and energy release.

+ NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming gives you a way to take control of your mind and your life. Using subtle suggestions NLP allows you to rewire your belief system and your thought process.

+ Kundalini: You'll awaken your life force by activating the power stored within your body.

+ Heart Centered Spell-work: I use candle magic and heart centered spell-work to amplify the energy and intention inside my containers.

+ Physical Energy Work: I am clairsentient, meaning I use my ability to feel, sense, and manipulate energy to clear your energetic field and help you create space for more positive and supportive energy!

Things we can work on during our time together:

+ Your Identity + Desires: Get clear on who you are and what you want.

+ Your Business Foundations: Your offers, pricing, niche, ideal client, funnels, sales, social media!

+ Your Relationships: Create fulfilling and meaningful relationships!

+ Your Health + Wellness: Create healthy patterns that serve you and your higher self.

+ Your Generational Patterns + Cycles: Set and stick to boundaries that feel good. Break generational patterns, heal ancestral trauma, and create write a new story for your family!

+ Your Limiting Beliefs + Subconscious Mind: Learn the tools and techniques to regulate your nervous system, reframe your thoughts, and know how to quickly shift your energy.

+ Your Wealth Consciousness: Learn how to become a magnet for abundance. Money mindset, money management, and making money - we can cover it all!

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